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Internal Audit CPE Courses

The following 22 CPE Courses are listed based on publish date.
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Project Risk Advisory Engagements (KLplus CPE Course)

This course covers project risk advisory approaches and the benefits of project risk advisory engagements.
Mon, Oct 23, 2023
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Assessing Digital Challenges and Risks (KLplus CPE Course)

In this course, you’ll learn about the risks that can affect organizations online, how, without careful management, they can grow beyond control, and ways to manage and mitigate against...
Mon, Dec 26, 2022
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Expanding Your Digital Mindset (KLplus CPE Course)

In this course, you’ll learn that a digital mindset means understanding the power of digital technology to transform interactions within the business.
Mon, Dec 26, 2022
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Agile Project Planning (KLplus CPE Course)

In this course, you'll learn about critical Agile planning activities, including creating personas and wireframing.
Mon, Dec 26, 2022
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Using Strategic Thinking to Consider the Big Picture (KLplus…

This course describes how systems thinking can help you become skillful at making sense out of opposites and contradictions.
Mon, Dec 26, 2022
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Making the Most of an Organizational Change (KLplus CPE Cour…

In this course, you will learn the essential skills needed to handle organizational change and the steps to develop a change action plan.
Mon, Dec 26, 2022
Internal Audit CPE Courses

The Next Generation Internal Audit Journey - High-Impact Rep…

In this course, we will follow a principle-based approach to address the roadblocks in achieving high-impact reporting along with their solutions.​
Mon, Nov 7, 2022
Internal Audit CPE Courses

The Next Generation of Internal Auditing (KLplus CPE Course)

This course covers the vision for next-generation internal audit and some examples of emerging technology that are changing the audit process.
Tue, Feb 2, 2021
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Apply the Concept of Agile to Deliver Next-Generation Intern…

This module introduces the concept of Agile as it relates to the execution of internal auditing.
Mon, Jun 22, 2020
Internal Audit CPE Courses

IA Beginner Data Analytics (KLplus CPE Course)

This training will provide you with a basic understanding of data analytics and the key concepts related to it.
Mon, Nov 4, 2019
Internal Audit CPE Courses

IIA Standards and the Audit Committee (KLplus CPE Course)

This course provides an overview of the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and the Audit Committee's role. 
Mon, Jun 18, 2018
Internal Audit CPE Courses

Introduction to Information Technology (IT) Audit (KLplus CP…

The objective of this course is to provide internal auditors with a basic understanding of the IT environment and the associated risks.
Mon, Jun 11, 2018